Re: [NTLK] Death to Americans !!! was Re: [OFF-Topic] Small World

From: Joost van de Griek (
Date: Sat Feb 09 2002 - 10:54:56 EST

on 2002-02-09 16:33, templar <> wrote:

> On Saturday, February 9, 2002, at 10:25 AM, Joost van de Griek wrote:
>>> Can anyone rationally argue that America overstated her contribution to
>>> victory in WW 1 & 2?
>> Watch the movie "U571".
> I feel sorry for you if you think movies are reality.

I feel sorry for you if you don't recognise twisting the truth to the extent
of claiming a dangerous mission executed by the military of another country
as your own as overstating your contributions to winning a war.



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