Re: [NTLK] Death to Americans !!! was Re: [OFF-Topic] Small World

From: James Elliott (
Date: Sat Feb 09 2002 - 22:54:15 EST

Sorry about all of those messages after things cooled down there. My
mail server has not been very nice, so I just got these messages,
which apparently, had already been answered. I should have noticed
the times that they were sent before I responded.

Of all the flame wars that I finally get involved in, it is over when
I enter. That should be a lesson!


>I posted the link to "small world". Sry fellows Newtonians, I never wonder
>what will happen. I posted the link to a PRIVATE reflection, couse I think
>that were a interesting site, with interesting information. And that is a
>reflection about OUR WORLD, not about americans and what they do of good or

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