[NTLK] Free: Dead MP120

From: Mark Marr-Lyon (markml_at_cybermesa.com)
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 20:29:42 EST


I've got a very dead MP120, and if you think you can use it, it's yours.
The screen is broken, and before that it wouldn't turn on. The lid is
missing, and it has donated a screw or two to other Newts. The case is
in pretty good shape, and it was a ROM version 2.0 before it croaked, so
maybe the rom chip is still good. The battery cover is there, but
judging from the color, it's from a MP110, and it doesn't fit too tightly.

Anyway, if you think you can use it, send me your address off list, and
it will mysteriously appear at your domicile!

Mark Marr-Lyon

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