Re: [NTLK] I must be the dumbest SOB alive.

From: Edward Cheung (
Date: Sun Feb 24 2002 - 10:39:39 EST

have you try using the packtype to turn the icon back to the newton
package? or is it some other problems?
Ed Cheung

On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 10:43 PM, peter brigg wrote:

> Please drop the offending package onto the attached software.
> peter
> Jim Hill wrote:
>> OK, I give up. I've been working this problem since about 11 this
>> morning and it's now 12:30 more than half a day later.
>> Whatinhell am I supposed to do with a .pkg file downloaded via the web
>> to make my machines understand This Is A Newton Package? There seems
>> to
>> be nothing I can do to stop them from being considered as generic
>> documents with no responsible application.
>> Am I just a moron or is there some special trick that everyone seems to
>> know but me?
>> Jim
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