Re: [NTLK] 2100 e-mail setup problems

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 14:20:58 EST

On 27/02/02 14:12, "Rolf Brakvatne" <> wrote:

> on 2/27/02 12:00 PM, Laurent Daudelin at
> wrote:
>> On 27/02/02 10:02, "Rolf Brakvatne" <> wrote:
>>> on 2/27/02 1:43 AM, Robert Benschop at wrote:
>>>> on 26-02-2002 5:02, Rolf Brakvatne at wrote:
>>>>> I wiped everything, reinstalled and still the same message.
>>>> Did you make a new Setup ?
>>>> Is the modem specified in the Prefs ?
>>>> Robert Benschop
>>> Robert,
>>> Yes, I did make a new setup. I did get SimpleMail to function, but the
>>> Ethernet card will not connect to the Cisco DSL modem. Now even the eMate
>>> will not connect using this card.
>>> I know the Farallon card works because this e-mail is being sent out of a
>>> Powerbook to the Cisco DSL modem using it.
>>> I am really back to square one and have no idea what to do except try and
>>> get another Ethernet card, even though it works perfectly on a Mac.
>> Sorry if this was mentioned before, but which card is this? Are you sure
>> that you have the right driver for this card on your Newton? Just because it
>> works on your PowerBook doesn't mean it will work on your Newton.
>> And if you're sure that you *DOUBLE-CHECKED* everything in your setup and it
>> doesn't work with the Cisco router, then it means it doesn't work...
>> -Laurent.
> Laurent,
> Proxim just sent me an RMA number and will be shipping me a new Farallon
> card! Now that is service.


Then, let us know what happens with your replacement card. Still a bit odd
that this card turned bad...


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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