I agree with you, ...
I cannot dismiss the point Ed makes either.
I wish that Apple would not totally neglect the corporate market.
I wish they had an el-cheapo G3 based corporate desktop device for say
500$ that could be used as a terminal in an office environment.
Something with a very low spec but taking up almost no desk space other
than what you need for keyboard, mouse and display.
In an office environment, you don't need things like, built-in modem,
CDRW, DVD, probably not even a CDROM and perhaps not even a hard disk
(if you got enough RAM instead).
With 100 Mbit Ethernet being the norm now, it would be very feasible to
revive the network computer concept and run desktops as remote display
stations. You would have either lots of RAM in them, which isn't all
that expensive any more these days, or alternatively a small disk only
used for paging.
If Apple would pull off something that a) is competitively priced
(knowing what things to leave out ;-) and b) doesn't waste valuable desk
space and c) is easy to manage from a central point of administration,
then d) estetically appealing as a mere side effect, that would
certainly bring some IT departments back to run something other than
Windoze. With the Unix based OSX this shouldn't be all too difficult to
pull off.
An NC Mac might not be a big money earner as margins would likely be
very thin, but it would get Apple back market share in an area that
matters, often influencing buying decision for private purchases where
Apple wants and needs business (many folks buy for home what they use at
And once they're back in the corporate market, then a relaunch of the
Newton or a worthy successor as part of a digital hub in the workspace
would obviously be a logical next step.
Unfortunately, I don't see that happen any time soon.
Steven Jobs is clearly a visionary and perhaps even a genius when it
comes to consumer and entertainment markets, but in relation to the
corporate market - based on what I can see - he appears to be a big time
In most other industries that wouldn't matter. Sports car manufacturers
don't need to be able to appeal to corporate car fleet managers, for
example. However, in the computer industry this is a bit different and I
beg to differ with SJ that you can completely ignore the corporate
What Ed says in his post reflects this. Who are we to expect everyone to
want a piece of art on their desk ? In some places functionality is
paramount over estetics and while estetics can make a difference even
there, functionality needs to have priority in those places.
On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 03:25 , Earl Wirth wrote:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854";
> x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hi Ed
> The remark about the rack mount makes the point...
> Many of us want to get the job done out of a single lap top bag, or the
> corner of a glass top table.
> Personally I want a result, and I'm pleased when a well integrated
> package saves me time and effort.
> Cheers
> Earl [Image]
> Ed Kummel wrote:
>> Folks?
>> My computer doesn't take up any desktop space (sure,
>> it takes up a 4-up rack mount in my cabinet along with
>> my other servers) but I still have to have a monitor,
>> keyboard and mouse!
>> The PC world has has a solution for this for years!
>> http://www.designtechnica.com/article.php?sid=750
>> for $1500 you can get the entire PC in a keyboard, and
>> a 17" LCD monitor! and not a computer in site!
>> Plus, hook this up to a $139 SMC Wireless Access Point
>> and a $60 Orinoco card. Then a Wireless M$ mouse for
>> $29 and you got a complete system with virtually no
>> wires! (just 2, one for the video and one for the
>> power!)
>> and you come at the price point that Apple wants for
>> this Digital Hub...
>> Not worth it people!
>> Ed
>> web/gadget guru
>> --- Brian Pearce <bpearce_at_cloud9.net> wrote:
>>>> Great Job Steve....really different....who would
>>> have ever thought...a flat
>>>> screen....WOW. When will the Intel driven PC's ever
>>> be able to do that?
>>> Perhaps when they can figure out how to fit the CPU
>>> in a desktop enclosure that appears to be roughly
>>> half the size of a bowling ball...
>>> BRIAN/bpearce_at_cloud9.net
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