On Tuesday, January 8, 2002, at 09:48 , Steven wrote:
> http://home.cnet.com/software/0-429669-8-6112332-1.html?tag=st.sw.5211419-8-
> 8104785-1.more
Yeah, that's from July last year. It couldn't be more outdated.
Especially when you take into account that OSX lost out only because
there were too few applications available. In any other discipline OSX
won IIRC. Adjusted to present day, where plenty of apps are around for
OSX this would translate to Windoze being no match for OSX whatsover.
It's like comparing a DIY 1950s TV set to a digital TV of today and
claiming the 1950 TV set is better because combined with a bolted on
CATV tuner you have more channels available than there are yet for
digital TV.
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