Re: [NTLK] Northstar

From: Fred Buecker (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 20:40:29 EST

In regards to TCP/IP sync, this reinforces an earlier question I had in
relation to NCU. Somewhere I saw a notice about a developer working on a
new version of NCU. I've been unable to find it again (Someone mentioned
that you only find things on the internet by accident and that seems to
be the case here)but any NCU replacement deserves support. Does anyone
know who might be working on this?


-----Original Message-----
From: doppler []
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Northstar

rm [] wrote the following 2002-01-19 22.59:

> I did have a look at the package. It is a vertical market application
> Astra Zeneca.

they still have active newton dev, IIRC

> It was for its drug sales people which would visit the
> doctors and take their sample requests. It would store contact
> for each person. It is able to communicate with a mother server via
> modem. It can also do a limited analysis of the data to estimate the
> importance of each physician. It is not integrated with the rest of
> newton and as such completely useless in my opinon.

youre not quite right IMHO! what the newton really lacks is an app that
could communicate and sync data with a remote "mother" server over

> I was not able to back
> up anything before I erased the card.

im sad to hear...

> BTW it feels slow as molasses. I bet
> they just gave laptops.

no, they are slowly migrating to iPaqs IIRC, again.

phone: +46 (0) 8 242 606
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