Since it's a serial connection, you may get away with using Hayes
Compatible or building a custome modem script. I'm not sure, but
Mororola may have script info at their WWW page. I've been considering
the same thing with my Audiovox phone and Verizon Wireless. (Getting the
cable made is the only thing slowing me down on it).
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Rothstein []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 11:35 PM
Subject: [NTLK] Motorola V66, GSM & a MP2100
Has anyone used a Motorola V66 phone with a Multi-Connect Serial Data=20
Kit - Motorola part number 98320 to connect with their Newton? The=20
connection is via an RS-232 serial connector and I assume that I need=20
some kind of special connector to use the RS-232 that came with my=20
Newton (RS-232 to Din 9). I am using VoiceStream in the US and will=20
also be trying to use it in France.
As far as the Newton is concerned, when I go into modem setup, I have=20
"GSM-Motorola" installed and from UNNA, I downloaded "gsmmotor.pkg"=20
which I have not yet put on my Newton.
I would be interested in anyone's experience with trying this.=20
Similarly, I would be interested in successes with this phone and a=20
PowerBook or an iBook. What software do I need and what is available=20
and where.
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