Re: [NTLK] NCU-like software native MacOS X: what prevents it

From: Stephen Jendraszak (
Date: Sun Jan 27 2002 - 13:25:19 EST

I don't understand all of what is being said here, as I am not a=20
programmer. What exactly is the problem with AppleTalk in OS X? I use OS=20=

X almost exclusively. It has AppleTalk, which can be used for file=20
sharing, etc. How is it different from OS 9s AppleTalk implementation,=20=

and what causes the problem with using it to connect to a Newton?


On Sunday, January 27, 2002, at 09:05 AM, Paul Guyot wrote:

> =C0 (At) 8:16 -0500 27/01/02, mark d smith <> =E9crivait=20=

> (wrote) :
>> Thanks for all the info Paul. I'm relativelay new to Newton (1.5 =
>> so until now I didn't really understand the problems involved in
>> writing an "NCU-like client" for MacOS X.
> NCU plays the server, BTW.
>> I tried the UnixNPI route but couldn't make/compile the executable =
>> the download. (Aside, a tip on this would be great. I keep getting an
>> error about gcc (can't remember what exactly)) (I've got a symlink to
>> my USBSerial adapter at /dev/newton (/dev/tty.keyUSA19181.1) so I =
>> it will work if I can get it to build.)
>> The things is...
>> ...if UnixNPI works and there are so many problems with a "carbon
>> version of NCU", why not make a Cocoa interface for UnixNPI and maybe
>> work on extending the functionality ?
> Well, here are some reasons.
> * First, UnixNPI is currently 669 lines of code
> (newtmnp.c 439
> newtmnp.h 25
> unixnpi.c 205)
> which is sufficient for MNP Serial-only load package operation.
> The DCL was 12 K lines last time I counted. It's not a big project,
> but nevertheless, you have some work to provide before you could do a
> backup as the DCL provides it. So I think that "extending the
> functionality" is not a 10 minutes operation.
> * Second (the answer to why not merge both projects)
> UnixNPI is released under the GPL
> The DCL is to be released under the Reflexive License.
> They are copy-left but incompatible licenses.
> I won't discuss once again against the GPL, just let me summarize: I
> don't like the GPL, I don't like the GNU project, I don't like
> software that are hard to compile or a supposedly supported target
> (apparently, you seem to enjoy it as well), and I don't like to waste
> my time with poorly written code or documentation. Since nobody pays
> me for it or forces me to do it (unlike using WFC in the university),
> I won't work on any GPL project. Since I spent time to draft an open
> source license which imposes some stuff that I find essential (such
> as a documentation or basic comments), the open source project I
> start will be released under it when possible.
> * Third, when I say that AppleTalk (well, ADSP) isn't apparently
> possible under OpenSTEP, I don't mean within Carbon. It's not
> possible with any language/framework except in the MacOS emulator
> (Classic). A cocoa project won't help either.
> The only thing that UnixNPI does and that the DCL doesn't is MNP
> compression (without the Communication ToolBox). I mean, the only
> important thing. I have contacted Philz to ask him if he could
> release his code (which is in UnixNPI) under a reflexive-compatible
> license. (he apparently re-appeared in December). If he doesn't
> answer, I'll use some public domain x86 assembler code for DOS I
> found on the web to implement my own MNP compression stuff (I haven't
> been able to find any decent documentation I could work from, any
> hint is welcome), and then UnixNPI's only interest would be to be
> GPL'd, C only (the DCL is written in C++) and small.
>> Trying to learn Cocoa myself but I really am starting from scratch so
>> much as I'd like to work on this, I really don't think its a =
>> solution for the community. There must be somebody out there who =
>> do this though ?
> Again, I'm not sure this is legally possible, i.e. Philz, Richard,
> Victor and Chayim rights won't be violated. But if they don't care,
> feel free to adapt anything that could help Newton & MacOS X users.
> Good luck for solving the DES challenge problem.
> Paul
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