Re: [NTLK] Help sync'ing Newt & Palm Desktop

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Wed Jul 03 2002 - 07:14:33 EDT

on 7/2/02 8:25 PM, Joe R. Richardson at wrote:

> "The operation was not completed because of the following error:
> Unable to access file. Verify that the file is closed, you have
> enough disk space, and that the device is not write locked."

> I've run out of ideas. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

Well, other than the possibility that NCU may not be able to sync a ver. 4
Palm Desktop file, it may also be possible that you still have Palm open,
meaning that it is keeping NCU from being able to write to it, or it may be
possible that you have the palm extension set to use it as the file for
alarms and alerts. I don't know how X does it, but in 9 and lower, it there
is an extension and a menu to control this stuff. You need to make sure that
this file isn't being used to pop up meeting alerts and stuff. I don't use
either X or Palm, so can't give you specifics, but this is what it sounds
like, based on others' experiences.

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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