Hi all,
I'm a Newton user since - oh well - the MP120 came out. Lately, I have be=
asking myself, what I'm doing with my MP2100 and I came to the conclusion=
that all I do is show people, how much superior this marvel is, compared =
the Palm - and I have an address book on there, which I use from time to=20
time. And that's about it.
I'm therefore trying to get something smaller which can sync with my desk=
machine, which runs MacOS X - oh and the other desktop machine is running=
RedHat Linux.
My question is: What should I get? I looked at the Palm, and I hate it, s=
Palm is out of the question. They have a number of iPaq's around the offi=
here, but they look pretty bulky, specially, since they have all these PC=
card slot extensions on the back, which can take a wireless network card.=
They run some sort of M$ OS on them, but they seem pretty snappy, compare=
d to=20
my P4/1.6 GHz desktop (Win2000) at work.
I would be interested, probably, in something which gives me some flexibi=
maybe some choices of OS, but at the same time doesn't have the sync=20
nightmare I'm faced with on the Newton.
I will absolutely NOT sell my Newton - never ever. If it goes into retire=
one day, I'm still going to keep it, even if it's just to show my kids on=
day, what a great unit it was.
Best regards,
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