[NTLK] [FS] Original 2100 perfect shape, extras

From: Michael Mays (chaosmonk_at_earthlink.net)
Date: Tue Jul 30 2002 - 20:43:07 EDT

Hello everyone. Money's starting to get tight, so much as I don't want to=
 do it, I have to get rid of my original MP2100.

This unit was bought as a "new" unit from GEMEnterprises a couple months=
 ago (one of their $500 ones). It hasn't been used very much; it was too=
 big to easily carry around with me, and as such, cosmetically is still in=
 perfect condition. The screen is perfect, as is the case. All clips,=
 slots, and doors are present and functional. The backlight is beautiful=
 and very bright. The only problem is a case of jaggies in the lower right=
 hand area, caused by a mishap with a screen protector is my=
 guess...perhaps I forced dust down inside the machine. The jaggies seem=
 to be against the lower right side of the screen in an area of perhaps a=
 square half-inch, and I have yet to see them really affect my use of the=

Included with the Newton would be the AC adaptor, working rechargable=
 battery pack, AA battery cage, a serial interconnect dongle (used,=
 excellent shape, in original packaging!), Newton 8-pin serial to PC 9-pin=
 cable, two original aluminum "titanium" styli (both very slightly used,=
 but in perfect shape...one is in original packaging!), one green eMate=
 stylus (locks properly in the stylus slot of the 2100), one black heavy=
 metal stylus with orange tip (also locks into the Newton's stylus slot, I=
 think these were made by PDA Panache?), one very cheap bendy plastic=
 ribbed replacement eMate stylus (also locks in 2100's slot), Pretec 32mb=
 storage card, unknown brand 8mb storage card, Hayes Optima 33.6 X-jack=
 modem, two original Newton plastic PCMCIA slot protectors, a slightly=
 beat-up slide-in case (you can use the Newton in this case, has a hole for=
 the screen, speaker, power switch, and one PCMCIA card, has loops for a=
 shoulder strap),and a leather portfolio case in absolutely perfect=
 condition (you know the kind, has the elastic to grip to the Newton's=
 door, a flap covering 4 PCMCIA card slots, a clear ID window, original=
 Apple Newton brand). I will also toss in all the software CDs I have,=
 original documentation, original Newton 2100 CD (not a burned copy), and I=
 will ship it in the original Apple Newton box (which will be packed inside=
 another box of course).

All in all, this is a great addition to your current collection or if=
 you're just a new user wanting to get into the world that is Newton. As=
 stated earlier, it's in as perfect shape as they get, with the minor issue=
 of the slight jaggies, which I've heard people have had good luck with=
 using cleaner pens on the flex display cable.

I intend to stay on this list, as I will be buying another Newton when I=
 have the money to spare. So I will continue to occasionally contribute the=
 rare e-mail to a choice discussion. :)

Please e-mail me off-list and without the [NTLK] in the subject, as I'd=
 like to keep the replies separate from the NewtonTalk messages. I'm open=
 to serious offers, because I don't know what I'll get for the package with=
 the slight jaggies problem. Thanks very much for your interest!

Michael Mays

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