on 17/06/02 22:21, Rob Frohne at frohro_at_wwc.edu wrote:
> I went looking in my MP 120 and couldn't find the switch you speak of.
> Can you direct me a bit further?
The switch is in the middle of the battery compartment. It's a little square
depress switch.
-- ============================================================================ Laurent Daudelin <http://members.cox.net/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.netfirebottle n.obs.: A large, primitive, power-hungry active electrical device, similar in function to a FET but constructed out of glass, metal, and vacuum. Characterized by high cost, low density, low reliability, high-temperature operation, and high power dissipation. Sometimes mistakenly called a `tube' in the U.S. or a `valve' in England; another hackish term is glassfet.
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