[NTLK] [ANN] Final call for t-shirt designs

From: Victor Rehorst (victor_at_newtontalk.net)
Date: Mon Mar 18 2002 - 10:22:46 EST

Okay folks. I intend to order t-shirts by the end of this week at the
very latest. So, if you have an idea for a design and want me to consider
it, here's what you should do:

-Make a drawing, sketch, or some graphic of what your design will look
like. DON'T JUST MAKE A TEXT DESCRIPTION - this is no good to me. Make a
graphic, throw it up on a website somewhere (if you don't have one give it
to me and I'll throw it up somewhere), and post the URL to the list.

-Designs must be one sided only, simple color printing. This means two or
three colors please, and no photos or anything like that. KISS is the
rule (that's Keep It Simple Stupid)

-Keep in mind that designs will be printed on WHITE t-shirts.

-When I pick one I'll probably need a high-quality graphic to take to the
printers. Keep that in mind too.

After Friday, I'll be picking one (possibly sooner) so don't wait!

Also, go and vote on the front page please! I'd like to know that I can
order more shirts so that they'll be cheaper for everyone. Right now
there are only about 100 votes, so I'm only think of 200 shirts MAX.

Victor Rehorst - victor_at_newtontalk.net - chuma_at_chuma.org
NewtonTalk list administrator - http://www.newtontalk.net
Will help you with your list problems - as long as you're nice.

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