[NTLK] Grade Buster question

From: Filmer, Paul E. (pfilmer_at_nsf.gov)
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 14:23:37 EST

Can anybody help this guy out?

I have already searched UNNA and Googled this, but came up empty, and I have
not paid attention to the grading s/w threads that have come through

He has even included the OS version for his MP120, so I'm hoping we can zing
him back an answer!

Please answer him directly, I don't think he's on the list (although I will
suggest he join). I think he found me via my Newtserver.


Paul F.

Dear Mr. Filmer,
My name is John Green. I'm a teacher in the Sacramento, California, area.
I used to own a Newton MP100 that was stolen a few year ago. I now have
purchased an MP120 v2.0 to use in my classroom.
I can't seem to locate any grading/attendance software. I know J. Klein
Productions offered a Newton-compatible software package to go with their
"Grade Busters: Making the Grade" program, but they've discontinued it.
Would it be possible to ask your group's members if they might know where I
can get the Grade Busters software or other software suitable for the
John Green

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