Re: [NTLK] OT: Help with Mac.

From: William R. Dickson (
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 12:53:29 EST

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Chet Johns wrote:

> IIgs for around $99 but there wasn't ever enough software made to justify
> buying one. The IIgs was the last of the Apple II line and wasn't on the
> market very long. By then all of apple's emphasis was moving to the Mac. I
> stopped at the Apple II c but used to want a IIgs because of the increased
> speed and improved graphics.

I used a IIgs for eight years before finally giving in and getting a Mac.
By the time I reached that point, my IIgs had been accelerated from 2.6MHz
to 8MHz, had 4.25 megs of RAM (there was an adaptor card that allowed you
to use standard Mac SIMMS), used Mac TrueType fonts for printing, had a
20-meg hard disk (the failure of which provoked my move to the Mac), and
was using an HP DeskWriter for printing. I had to tear most of it out of
its case (it was an upgraded //e, so many GS cards wouldn't physically fit
inside) and build a large plywood box for it.

I understand people are still building things for the GS -- VGA cards,
faster accelerators, etc. There was even a UNIX in development for it
(GNO, I think it was called).


 William R. Dickson -- Consuming the Earth's limited resources since 1968                    

He is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong. - Thomas Jefferson

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