Heh... I used to get around 2 weeks per charge (fricken great!) but I'm
thinking LAVA has something to do with it. I probaly use the newt for a few
hours each day, and quite a bit during the weekends. Lava leaves the
backlight on for a few mins so i'll probably tweak that a little bit, and
maybe even try building a better battery. I've got a lot of the NiMH
batterys from Apple, Woo. It's my biggest fear, not having NiMH batteries
for the newton, i've had them since day one of my first 2100.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Woo Lee" <vitcitylb_at_earthlink.net>
To: <newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Battery Recharging
> ------------------
> >Yep. I'm trying to recondition my battery these days as well. I'm getting
> around a week of use (more or less...) with the backlight on about 49% of
> the time.
> I get about 12-24 hours per charge. You're doing pretty good. Backlight
> about 40% of the time.
> ----------------
> >Lava rocks.
> Yup! :-)
> ----------------
> I hope this third time ( I drained the battery so the newt won't even =
> turn on....) will do the trick.
> How long do you want each charge to last?
> ----------------
> >Otherwise, how long would I have to leave the NiMH battery out of the =
> newt until it was drained? Few days? Weeks?
> It takes a few days to a few months, depends on batt. condition.
> ----------------
> I've got plenty of NiMH spares that I could use in the meanwhile...
> >
> >Chris
> The Apple one's or single batts.?
> ------------------
> !ooW %-)
> Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!
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