>>> fyzycyst_at_comcast.net 05/08/02 09:36AM >>>
on 5/8/02 9:26 AM, Seth Hurwitz at shurwit1_at_jhmi.edu wrote:
>> Could the added power drain of the actively used modem have dropped
> the
>> power low enough during the reset to cause this??
> (>clutching at straws, obviously)
> My (limited) understanding is that low power level should have
> to do with a brain wipe (e.g. Newtons hold data w/o power).
>That's why I said I was clutching at straws. However, circuits
sometimes do
>very funny things when under higher than normal power drain while at
>power levels (and this was also in a transitory environment, i.e. a
>Rapid changes in voltage can do odd things to digital circuitry. In
>case it would've had to somehow trigger the deep reset. I have no
idea how
>isolated the logic for that is from the logic for a normal reset and
if a
>voltage transient could flip you over from one to the other. Given
>robust nature of the Newt, one would like to think it was at least
>fault tolerant, but it was built by human beings...
Eric, this is really interesting. I was wondering something like this
myself but you explain it a whole lot better than I could. What *is* the
difference between soft and hard resets? I mean, is one A and the other
B, or is one A and the other AA (or A times 2), if you know what I mean.
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