Re: [NTLK] War driving with a Newt?

From: Oliver Brose (
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 15:48:03 EDT

>Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 06:37:31 -0700
>From: Dave Fleishman <>
>Subject: [NTLK] War driving with a Newt?

>All that said, does anyone know of a utility, or can anyone write a
>simple one, that would allow the Newt to be used as a WAP (wireless
>access point) "strength meter"? I've read about people using their
>computers to do "war driving", which I understand is the act of
>driving around town with antennae on cars looking for WAPs. I've
>found out that the iPaq can be used for this purpose, and I'm
>wondering if the Newt could be similarly employed.
>Just curious what others know about this phenom.

Reminds me of the old days when people were using illegal modems and
hacked networks from phonebooths *g*

Oliver :)

I refuse to modify my behaviour just so some mechanical device can 
function properly. That really doesn't make sense.
The Newton isn't a "revolutionary" device, it's an "evolutionary" adapts!                        - from

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