Re: [NTLK] [OT] New Vanilla Coca-Cola

From: Dave Caolo (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 19:04:03 EDT

on 5/21/02 6:49 PM, at wrote:


I understand your frustration, but it is easily avoided. Every off topic
message is (usually) labeled with an "[OT]." Seeing that will allow you to
easily avoid them. If you want to ensure that these threads don't even meet
your eyes, create a mail rule that will place any message with "[OT]" in the
subject into a folder you designate; like the "Deleted Items" folder (or
whatever is comparable in your email client). That way you won't even have
to see them.

Like I said, I understand your concern. This is a Newt community, and we
should (and do) share Newt info. But there's more to life then our beloved
Newts! Sometimes we talk about those things, too.

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