[NTLK] Bad Experiences with phillydiscounters on Ebay?

From: Chris L. Chapman (pan1k_at_earthlink.net)
Date: Fri May 31 2002 - 13:28:38 EDT

Nope. I've had a good experiance with them. Bought a NiMH battery from them,
paid for it and got it here on the west coast three days later. not bad.
Send them a reminder email, and I guess if you get no response, get their
phone number from eBay, a call is harder to ignore than an email.

Good Luck!


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Subject: [NTLK] Bad Experiences with phillydiscounters on Ebay?
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  Has anybody else had bad experiences with Phillydiscounters on Ebay? I
won the bid on a UMP2K for $149 on Apr 26 and still haven't recieved
anything. The check cleared sometime early in May (I'll have to check
records), and now I'm wondering whether to send him a REALLY nasty email
or call the Pennsylvania DA. His feedback rating is 180+/10- , so I
figured I wouldn't get shafted. Anybody else had experience with this
particular seller?

Jim Witte

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