Re: [NTLK] Proof Jobs isn't an idiot (was: Proof Jobs is an idiot)

From: John Acuff (
Date: Thu Nov 14 2002 - 11:35:48 EST

On Thursday, November 14, 2002, at 11:49 AM, jrackley wrote:

> I'd just like to speak to this as a windows user. Windows 98 and 95
> gave me
> some woes with locking up etc. That is true, but Ed is right. You
> don't get
> any of that stuff with windows anymore. In fact, in the past two years
> I
> haven't had a single problem since moving to Windows 2000 pro and then
> Windows XP pro.
> If it were still 1998 those apple "switch" adds would be right on.
> However,
> the days of most people actually having to see the BSOD are now
> getting more
> and more rare (as users upgrade). Everyone at my office uses XP or
> win2k. We
> don't have any of the problems that they talk about in the switch adds.

Well, I was running Win2K Pro on my main machine here in the house,
until it finally hosed itself up so badly that I couldn't even get it
to boot anymore. Then when I tried to re-install, all I could get was
three fourths thru the "copying software" phase before it would pop up
with the BSOD. "kmode protection error", whatever the hell that means.
And I had went from Win 98 SE because WIN2K was based on NT and was
supposed to be so stable. Tried different CD-ROM drives, different
memory, finally said to hell with it and bought this B&W G3 that I had
been wanting ever since I "discovered" Macs earlier this year. I'd
already tried the Linux thing, and liked it, but it was a real pain to
install apps. After working my way over the years from DOS thru 3.1,
then 3.11, then 95, 98, and 98 SE, I finally decided that Win2K was
going to be the last Microsoft OS that I was spending my hard-earned
dollar for. Especially after XP came out with it's bogus
"authentication" scheme, and I found out that since I was running Win2K
Pro, and not Win ME (ugh!), that I would have to buy the XP Pro upgrade
which would cost me $300. I don't think so, Bill!!
After I finally got my B&W set up and running OS X for a week or two, I
remarked to my wife how nice it was to have a computer that just works
and I don't have to battle with it. And it doesn't have to be re-booted
every few days because it still can't manage memory properly, even with
a plenty of swap file and a half gig of ram. I'm sure my blood pressure
went down a few points too!
I still have my main computer in my shop running Win2k, but only
because DirecPC doesn't support Mac, and I have no other choice for
broadband where I live. It feeds the web to my mostly Mac (and one
BeOS) network, and that's pretty much all it does. And yes, OS X
networks easily with it, and with Jaguar, I don't even have to do the
Samba anymore!

"Got Newt!"

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