Re: [NTLK] NewtStumbler?

From: Robin Kidd (
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 15:58:03 EDT

You can also use AirSnort under Linux to find the wireless networks using=
antenna like this.

On Friday 11 October 2002 16:53, Dr. Faustus wrote:
> At 07:58 AM 10/11/2002 -0400, Harlan Feinstein wrote:
> > Andy> I have a question about the wireless support on the newton. =
> > Andy> the drivers allow the card to go in to an ad-hoc mode? Is it
> > Andy> even possible with how the newton handles the connection (I'm
> > Andy> trying to come back to speed from my old 110 six years ago).
> > Andy> Has anybody made an application like "Netstumbler" on the new=
> >
> >There's a setting for it in the driver. I don't know anyone who uses
> >ad-hoc mode, so no way for me to test it. I'm not even sure how an
> >ad-hoc mode network would reach the internet.
> >
> >--Harlan
> It's not for reaching the internet immediately. It's more for find out
> what wireless networks are alive in range, and their settings. After y=
> get those settings you can use them to access that network. This would=
> nice when you are downtown someplace and want internet access, but don'=
> have a cell phone modem. As long as the host network was configured to=
> the internet, and didn't have too restrictive of a firewall, you'd be o=
> your way.
> Hit google with "wardriving" and all will be revealed.
> Andy

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