[NTLK] Scratching the screen on my mp120!!!

From: sopha (sophalicus_at_charter.net)
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 06:58:41 EDT

heres the thing,

this past weekend as i was sitting in on a packed speaking by a dave eggers,
i somehow got a fingernail sized (in length) scratch on the screen of my

i only noticed this when i was eating out afterwards.

i was quite pissed to say the least, as it didn't make any sense why or how
the scratch got there as i only use the included stylus and i keep the
newtons lid closed up when not in use and in a small "man bag", hehe.

my guess for this scrape was that some chunk of something or another got
lodged in between the lid and the screen and was jostled around in my bag,
causing the scratch.

after this FIRST incident i was now VERY compelled to buy some
screenprotectors from nushield.com which i subsequently haven't heard a word
back from yet...

ok...fast forward to yesterday.

i'm sitting outside before work logging some stuff into the newton,
and.....errrp!!! the stylus scratches the screen (can feel some resistance
at random times when writting before a scratch)! this happens 3 more times
in the next 10 minutes before i give up in despondency unsure WHY this is

i get in the sunlight and see now there is WAY more marking up on my screen
than i had even within the last 3 days, i'm seriously getting pissed

so, whats the deal here?

is the stylus catching on bits of junk on the screen and this is causing the
scratching, or is my stylus just now become defective?

i do try and keep the screen wiped off, but is it required to do such before
every use?

i'm gonna get on nushield and ask what the deal is, but in the meantime what
can i do to prevent any more scratches from occuring?



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