[NTLK] Sent with a Trotter!

From: Roman Pixell (roman_at_pixell.net)
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 07:38:48 EDT

Setup Name: GPRS
Protocol: PPP
Configuration: Server
User ID: 0709103551
When closing, disconnect: after 5 minutes
Primary DNS/Name Server Address:
Alternate DNS/Name Server Address:
Domain Name: <None>
Login Script [9 Step(s)]
        Send: "AT"
        Send =B6
        Wait For: "OK"
        Send: "AT+CGDCONT=3D1,"IP","","" "
        Send =B6
        Wait For: "OK"
        Send: "ATD*99#"
        Send =B6
        Wait For: "CONNECT"
Advanced Settings
        Port: Left PC Card
        Baud Rate: 57600
        Parity: None
        Stop Bits: 1
        Hardware Flow Control: off
Logout Script [7 Step(s)]
        Send: "+++"
        Send =B6
        Send: "ATH"
        Send =B6
        Wait For: "OK"
        Send: "ATE0V1"
        Send =B6

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This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Thu Oct 31 2002 - 12:02:57 EST