on 26/10/02 20:46, Alexander Seesink at aoseesink_at_arcor.de wrote:
> Does anbody knows if and how i can make an 2100 communicate to an
> Ericsson t39m via Bluetooth? And is there any way to use an IBM
> Microdrive with a Newton?
You might be able to use the Microdrive with the ATA driver from Paul Guyot
<http://www.kallisys.com/>, but I doubt you'll be able to communicate with
your Ericsson since there are no Bluetooth driver on the Newton, so the card
wouldn't be recognized (you would have to use a card since Bluetooth came
out well after the Newton was cancelled).
-- ============================================================================ Laurent Daudelin AIM/RV: LaurentDaudelin <http://nemesys.dyndns.org> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:laurent.daudelin_at_verizon.netgib /jib/: 1. vi. To destroy utterly. Like frag, but much more violent and final. "There's no trace left. You definitely gibbed that bug". 2. n. Remnants after total obliteration. Originated first by id software in the game Quake. It's short for giblets (thus pronounced "jib"), and referred to the bloody remains of slain opponents. Eventually the word was verbed, and leaked into general usage afterward.
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