Re: [NTLK] Meetings in Hand -- and other AbandonWare

From: Trent Tuggle (
Date: Mon Sep 09 2002 - 12:03:53 PDT

I don't mean to create a bad atmosphere. I don't mean to ask for software
for free, unless it's completely abandoned and the author doesn't want to
make any more money from it. I just hate to see software and effort wasted.

I think our community has done well as a whole, we have collected as many
resources as possible, and we have made some excellent forward progress.

Given the current PDA state of the market, I think it's possible for our
community to still grow significantly, but a key factor could be
accessibility to those new users, as well continued accessibility to new

Thanks for your observations!


> -----Original Message-----
> I personally hate it when this subject comes up. There are some strong
> feelings on either side, and it always creates a bad atmosphere (and
> probably good fodder for our resident research scientists). ;-)

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