From: Ian Meyer (
Date: Mon Aug 04 2003 - 14:25:03 PDT
graphing calc? the ti-89 is the king of them all. its a 92+ but in a
non-qwerty package so it can be used on tests and stuff where the 92
if you have a palm (this may be blasphemous on this list, excuse me)
theres a dict for palm os thats great called true term that i used in
french my sr year of HS and it is nice
good luck
On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 13:07, Smith Family wrote:
> Since school is beginning in a few weeks here, I'm beginning to look
> for some software that can make my Newt more useful at school. I was
> wondering if you guys have any reccomendations for:
> - A graphing calculator. My newton does not have a keyboard so I can't
> use Newton Works Calculations.
> - A good periodic table. I'm taking College Chem this year and would
> like one I can carry around easily.
> - A dictionary and thesaurus.
> - A translator program for French class. A French - English dictionary
> would be nice also.
> - Any guides, pocket references, or literature on C++.
> Colin
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