From: Damien Batstone (
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 08:54:11 PDT
Thanks to Johannes and Gert for your help. It looks like the German
project spent a lot of effort getting custom EL material, while PCBMan uses
the Seiko light from RS (based on the cat number on the EL material). The
text does look a bit grey (jpg?), and given Gert's comments, the blue-green
light is the one. I'll get back after I do the switch.
>Johannes wrote:
>I can only tell you that the german Newton backlight project tried hell of a
>lot to find an optimum solution and they ended up with a green foil.
>It is also important to know that the converter in the Newt is optimised for
>the original foil and you do not necessary achieve good results with other
>foils in terms of brightness versus power consumption.
>Except you are going to modify the converter circuit.
>But unfortunately we do not have the circuit diagram.
>Marco experimented with white backlight as well and his main problem was to
>establish a reliable electrical contact to the foil. He also reported that
>the contrast is less with white background foil because the original foil is
>also matched with the optical properties of the LCD display. With a white
>background foil you have something like grey instead of black.
>> I guess everyone is probably using these Seiko EL sheets, and
>> according to
>> Marco the Newton transformer is 600hz/110V.
>> Does anyone have comments on whether white/lower light or green-blue/high
>> light is better for usability?
>> Regards,
>> Damien
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