From: Woody Smith (
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 16:48:52 PDT
Hi Gary
The cover where you see the Newton interconnect port(Flattened USB)
slides in two directions. the other direction is a traditional Mac
serial port. If your Mac is serial capable and running os9m or earlier
you are half way there. Download NCU (Newton Connection Utilities) to
your mac.
Open teacher or classroom setup on the eMate and set dock button to
Dock. Launch NCU, hit dock button and you should be able to connect.
If you don't have an older mac there are still many options. check
archives of this list and FAQs
On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 05:54 PM, Gary Meader wrote:
> Have just gotten an eMate 300 and need a power adapter, and possibly a
> new
> battery. Will also be looking for the adapter that will let it print,
> or
> what ever the line out next to the mouse plug-in is.
> ( Looks like a flattened USB port) A friend said if I reset it, the OS
> stays
> put, but all the work in progress goes away. True? Also, there's no
> disc
> in it. If I load software into my Mac, how do I get it into the
> eMate? Can
> I get some help?
> Thanks
> --
> Gary Meader
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