From: Dean Wendt (
Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 10:48:38 PDT
Thanks, but where can I get these updated files?
_____________Original message ____________
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Courier
Sender: Eckhart Köppen <>
Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 12:40:07 -0500
On Sat, 9 Aug 2003 09:07:26 -0500, Dean Wendt wrote:
> I have the latest version of ntox and I have the same problem.
Can you install NHttpLib 3.0.1, ntox 1.4.1 and Courier 0.1.2? The
-48201 error is a hint that one of the required packages is not
present. If that doesn't help, it would be great if you could install
BugTrap (it's on UNNA) and send me the bug report.
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