From: suppaman (
Date: Sun Aug 17 2003 - 00:45:53 PDT
I'd like to use the development tools on unna to try making something fot the
Newton but I am not able to run Basilisk.. I am using a knoppix linux and i
get a:
knoppix_at_incunabolo:~/macintosh/rom$ Basilisk II V1.0 by Christian Bauer et al.
Reading ROM file...
do_handle_screen_fault: unhandled address 0x41068380 [IP=0x80a71a6]
D0: 00000000 D1: fffcffff D2: fffffffc D3: 0080000f
D4: 0003fffc D5: 00000000 D6: 00000012 D7: 00000000
A0: 0000003c A1: 00000002 A2: 00007cf0 A3: 00008100
A4: 000078e0 A5: 00971380 A6: 00000000 A7: 004009a6
USP=00000000 ISP=004009a6 MSP=00000000 VBR=00000000
T=00 S=1 M=0 X=1 N=1 Z=0 V=0 C=0 IMASK=0
FP0: 0 FP1: 0 FP2: 0 FP3: 0
FP4: 0 FP5: 0 FP6: 0 FP7: 0
N=0 Z=0 I=0 NAN=0
0082e8e8: 2815 28c4 c081 c284 8287 MOVE.L (A5),D4
next PC: 0082e8ea
did anyone experencied this?
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