From: Gregory J. Wayman (
Date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 20:44:23 PDT
"Amit, C" wrote:
> *sniff* *sniff* I'm so happy *sniff* (tears welling in my eyes as I type)...
> After all these years, debating wether to show myself at a SNUG meeting,
> always thinking "I'm not worthy...yet, I ink different..." I get invited!
> Thanks Greg!
Dont be that way! All are welcome! Even Woo from southern Cal may show up as
the guest of honor!
> I do have a storage card but half of my data that I want to retrieve is on
> it as well. Do I need to purchase another card to make this happen?
Well that would be nice, but I'll bring an extra card.....for the surgery, you
can just mail it back when done.
> I never was able to access the internet with my Newton even though I was
> able to retrieve email via Simplemail(I think that's the program -and it
> ROCKS-) and my Earthlink account.
We'll rectify that too........ see you then.
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