From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Fri Aug 22 2003 - 15:24:38 PDT
Roman Pixell wrote:
> unfortunately, i dont remember the name of the extension, but someone
> else who uses it can probably chime in here.
It was on the list right before you posted this, guess you missed it
because you're on the digest, the URL is
> BTW, what is the maximium amount of entries in the names soup? ive got
> about 450, which i guess is quite standard for most newton users, after
> all those years. does the names soup tend to get corrupted if it
> becomes too large?
I've heard of gigantic soups so like 2000 so far, but recently there
was somebody on the French list that even topped that one. Since I was
on holidays and doing only cursory reading I don't really remember how
much, Paul Guyot might chime in...
(and here I was thinking I had a lot of names in there, about 700...)
Robert Benschop
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