From: Robert JA Basilio Jr. (
Date: Sun Aug 24 2003 - 04:52:50 PDT
on 8/24/03 5:03, at
> Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 00:47:35 -0500
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Color Classic and the Newt
> From: Cheyanne & Randy <>
> Hi Robert,
> Your Classic should work fine... NCU might want more RAM. When I
> checked "get info" on my copy of NCU the minimum memory requirement is
> 4MB. I don't think that OS7.6.1 uses that much RAM. If you have a 32MB
> memory card NCU will not manage to back it up on your Classic. :-) If
> it were me, I would make sure that NCU is all I have running when I
> hooked up the newton.
Thank you Randy. It's a relief to hear that. And don't worry, I just have a
couple of 2 MB linear cards filled with names and addresses. I'm actually
more concerned with transferring files from NewtWorks rather than backing i=
up. Like you, I used a PowerBook Duo =8B except that mine's a 280c =8B to
transfer data from the Newt and my eMate. But I left it with my nephews to
play with in Manila. Thanks again.
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