From: Dave Rutledge (
Date: Sun Aug 24 2003 - 11:08:17 PDT
I'm not really following this discussion but noticed the question re
installing packages on Newton. "NewTen" is an OS X appl'n for installing
such, and works great:
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Paul Guyot
Sent: 24 August 2003 12:18
Subject: Re: [NTLK] NewtSync Modem
Il me semble que le 24/08/03 à 9:53 -0500, Brandon Meyer nous racontait:
>I'll be getting my 2100 tomorrow and I've got a question about
>transferring packages to it. Actually I'm only concerned about
>transferring one package. The ethernet driver. I don't have a dongle
>for it yet so I'm wondering how I can get the driver on the newt. I
>noticed there is a 'modem' option in NewtSync. Would this allow me to
>stick a modem in the newt, connect my laptop and the newt via phone
>cable and transfer a package that way? Has anyone had experience doing
>it this way?
You're facing the bootstrapping problem.
I don't think NewtSync allows one to install packages. But even if it
did, you'll need to get NewtSync client on your Newton first.
As you know, you need the Ethernet Driver to be on your Newton before
doing anything with your Ethernet card. This includes Newton Devices
(Lantern) and the driver specific for your card. These two packages
are required for AppleTalk. For TCP/IP, you need Newton Internet
Enabler and NIE Ethernet Module, plus Internet Setup to define a
setup to connect to the Internet/your network.
So either your MP will come with some packages (don't delete any), or
you have a Mac with an IrDA port. Since you don't have a dongle, it's
the only possibility to install packages on a freshly formatted
Newton (MP2K or eMate). You'll need Thomas Tempelman's DILTester
running on MacOS 9. Unfortunately, MacOS X doesn't come with an IrDA
stack complete enough to discuss with the Newton (from what I heard,
I don't have a Mac with an IrDA port). Also, we could get
Windows/Unix laptops to install packages via IrDA if someone with an
IrDA capable Windows/Unix laptop took the time to work on the problem.
If you have some packages as you mentioned in the second mail, there
might be some hope. If you have NetHopper, you can indeed install
packages from a webserver. Please note however that it requires that
the MIME type has a special value I don't recall of. You probably can
install packages with Newtscape as well. You can also get packages
from an e-mail you would check with your Newton.
But you need to connect to the Internet to use these methods. This
means you need sufficient packages on your Newton to connect to the
Internet and a modem card (I suppose you won't have the Ethernet
packages and since you don't have a dongle, an external modem is not
a possibility). You might need a script for your Modem, although I
believe some might work with the default scripts.
Please tell us what you have on your Newton and we might find a
workaround. I don't want to look pessimistic, but this bootstrapping
problem is real.
Another possibility is to be mailed a linear card with some packages
on it or meet someone with a Newton in your neighborhood that would
beam you packages. This person would probably need EEUnprotect to be
able to beam Newton Internet Enabler and other items that have the
protect flag set. Fortunately, the community is strong enough and
you'll probably find someone to help you in that very case. As far as
I'm concerned, I'd be happy to meet you and beam you the packages if
you're in Paris ;)
Anyway, I guess it's your first Newton (otherwise, you could beam
packages from another Newton). I wish you a happy Newton experience.
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