From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Mon Aug 25 2003 - 01:12:36 PDT
It is, I just checked it.
But maybe it is not needed to put the phone into IR mode, because this is
meant for exchanging info with other phones.
The phone should definitely enter the modem mode and show a message that a
serial connection is established.
I tried the cable only for my 6210, but I get a message on the phone that
the terminal connection is established as soon as I communicate with the
phone with a termional program. In fact the phone should act like a real
modem if you send AT commands from a terminal program.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Roman Pixell
> Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 11:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Nokia 6100 GPRS
> is 6100 a GPRS phone really? (i think not)
> > Richard & Amanda wrote:
> >> Does anyone have some experience in setting up the Newt 2100 for a
> >> Nokia
> >> 6100 GPRS via IrDA or similar?
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