From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 19:11:28 PDT
The way I format my Newton books is I use the word
"" template that comes with Newton Press. If
I paginate the document according to this template,
then it will ALWAYS work out as a Newton Book. I never
have a problem.
You might want to look into this method.
As some additional info, I open the Word with the
template, I then paste the document I want turned into
a book into this template, I then page through it to
make sure that the page beginnings are correct, then I
save the document as an RTF, then I drag the RTF
document on top of the Newton Press icon and it's
web/gadget guru
come and see my Newt on the web (well, mostly) at:
--- Andre Garzia <> wrote:
> Hi Newts,
> while in the proccess of making the green edge
> magazine, i am trying to=20=
> make newton press work. I have a couple articles I
> want to release=20
> before issue one so that community may give a little
> feedback. To see=20
> if i am doing it right. I wanted to release this
> pre-articles in=20
> newtonbook and web format. I am using a mac and
> trying to put the=20
> article in newton press, but damm, it paginates
> wrong!!!!!!! in the app=20=
> on the mac it all apears okay, but when transfered
> is wrong, it always=20=
> misses the last words...
> Can someone help? I am using universal layout (but i
> tried the others)=20=
> with new york font (but i did tried the others
> too)... is it the header=20=
> line i am puting? will book maker solve it? i do not
> have a PC=20
> (understand by pc, a wintel box... i do have a
> freebsd and a beos)....
> cheers
> Andre Garzia =EF=A3=BF 2003
> imac2 ibook p100 e uma torradeira....=
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