From: Andy Collins (
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 06:53:21 PDT
There are a couple of easy way that spring to mind.
The first is to transfer all of the notes/names etc to the flash card and
simply move it across.
The second is to beam everything between the to Newts.
Both Names and Notes have a "Check all" option so you can highlight all
entries and move or beam them as you want.
At 09:41 27/08/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>I just received a MP 2100 from a friend that wasn't using his
>anymore. I have an MP 130 that I need to transfer data from to the
>2100. What's the easiest way to do it? I don't have any
>documentation for either of the Newton's and both machines have flash
>cards that have some data on it. I know that I can simply change the
>flash card from the 130 to the 2100 but what about he internal memory
>that holds all of my names, addresses, etc.
>All help will be appreciated.
>Coffee Girl
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