From: Frank Gruendel (
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 16:14:19 PDT
> I just received a MP 2100 from a friend that wasn't using his
> anymore. I have an MP 130 that I need to transfer data from to the
> 2100. What's the easiest way to do it? I don't have any
> documentation for either of the Newton's and both machines have flash
> cards that have some data on it. I know that I can simply change the
> flash card from the 130 to the 2100 but what about he internal memory
> that holds all of my names, addresses, etc.
As Ed correctly pointed out, the easiest way to back up the internal
store is do a backup on a card, plug the card into the 2100 and do
a restore. However, this would require a card that can be read both
in the 130 and the 2100 and that has enough space left to hold the
130's backup. And of course it wouldn't back up the 130's card.
In my opinion it would be easier to
- start the Newton Connection Utilities (NCU)
- do a full backup (MP 130 card and internal memory) from the 130
to your desktop machine
- restore the backup (except the system info) to the 2100.
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