From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri Aug 29 2003 - 17:26:18 PDT
on 29/08/03 19:27, Norman Palardy at wrote:
> You said it yourself .... PALM OS
> It's nowhere near as nice from a user perspective to use, is more
> restrictive in its handwriting recgonition and generally not as
> functional as the Newton OS.
> On Friday, August 29, 2003, at 03:50 PM, David Deranian wrote:
>> Having said all that, with programs like TimeReporter and PocketMoney
>> available for the Palm operating system, why don't any of you other
>> serious Newton people out there consider this Sony Clie a possible
>> "Newton Killer"?
Yep! I had a look and, from some distance, it looks really pretty with that
color screen. But, on every page, there was a caption saying that the
screens were simulated. And there were some screens were you could see that
ugly interface from PalmOS, which reminded me that, no matter how pretty and
powerful the hardware is, it will never be better than the software running
on it...
-- ============================================================================ Laurent Daudelin AIM/iChat: LaurentDaudelin <> Logiciels Nemesys Software fix n.,v.: What one does when a problem has been reported too many times to be ignored. -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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