Re: [NTLK] Newton Linux Revisited

From: David Arnold (
Date: Sun Feb 09 2003 - 22:01:51 PST

-->"Finn" == Finn Thain <> writes:

  Finn> Thinking about this some more, it seems that a Linux port to
  Finn> Newton hardware and a Newton emulator both face the same
  Finn> problem but from different perspectives -- proprietary
  Finn> hardware.


hence the approach in GNUton of simply trying to provide the
(application) programmer visible APIs, such that existing
pure-NewtonSript apps could run, but device drivers (ATA, WaveLAN,
etc) and C++ programs would not.

it's a tradeoff between the work of reimplementing the layer of
NewtonScript above the Newton OS vs. emulating/understanding the

it seemed to me at the time that reimplementing the NewtonScript layer
was an easier task.


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