Re: [NTLK] Nonworking Newton Books link

From: Julian Wright (
Date: Sun Feb 16 2003 - 07:10:00 PST

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 Jim Witte wrote:

> > Yeah, that link is wrong, for some reason the topic id became 3d13,
> > should just be 13...
> Is this that infamous strange bug in the list software where
> characters sometimes get turned into hex showing itself again? Hex 3D
> (decimal 52) codes for the number '4'. Why would that get in there?

Looks like MIME data to me. Whenever you see 'equals 3D'
in an email just ignore the 3D part-because 3D is the hex
version of the ASCII code for the equals sign. You may also see
'equals 20' which means a space character, and they are
also found being used to encode characters with accents
and some symbols such as the euro.

Normally your email software converts these codes back into
the characters they represent, but to do so it needs to be told
they are there by a flag in the header of the email placed there
by the sender.

What seems to be happening is that the flag in the header is
being stripped out by the list server, so your email software
is just leaving the characters encoded.

Senders can work around this by turning off MIME extensions
in their email preferences when sending messages to this list.
This should stop these characters from being encoded in the
first place, although accented characters and symbols like the
euro may vanish completely in transit this way.

Readers can work around this by mentally converting the code
back to the character. By far the most common code that you
will need to. remember is 'equals 3D' which you should read
as 'equals'

Hope this helps.


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