From: mimi (
Date: Fri Jul 04 2003 - 04:18:44 PDT
alphasmarts are better than nothing
i work in the toronto school system
kids with weiting problems need computers to keep up, for word
processing,and alphasmarts do fine, except for the 5 line screen size
you need to buy extra software to send docs dr desktop computer TO the
alphasmart, but with it you can edit on a large screen and return doc to
good for the disorganization that learning disabled kids often battle can keep everything on it
they are rugged, and no lid, so no hinge problem....
long battery life
automatic saving of work...
there is a keyboarding program you can buy
and both serial and usb connectivity to mac and win is good
BUT it's not fun like the emate
one major virtue is that it is not often stolen
(no one yearns to have it!)
the dana model looks betterwith larger screen area, and wireless models(ir)
look good too...but school boards usually buy the cheapest models....
i'm going to nurse the emates we've got carefully, the kids love them
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