From: edwardmccaughan (
Date: Sun Jul 20 2003 - 16:11:59 PDT
i suppose its unlikely anyone has a copy of this lying about?
or any info on the radio they used?
it sounds like a very cool use for the newton-very handy if you find
yourself deep behind enemy lines in steve jobs office and want to call
in an air strike ;-)
edward mccaughan
> The lightweight computer system that brings GCCS to the foxhole allows
> its
> users to reprot enemy positions, request supplies or assistance, call
> in
> precise fire support locations and plot safe courses of travel for
> other
> friendly forces
> the field system consist of an Apple Newton MessagePad computer, an
> Ericsson handheld VHF radio and batteries for each. Early versions
> featured
> a 20-megahertz MessagePad 130. but a newer configuration employs a
> 160-megahertz MessagePad 2000 that can include a Trimble global
> positioning
> system (GPS) personal computer card and antenna.
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