From: Gavin McKenzie (
Date: Tue Jul 22 2003 - 11:09:54 PDT odd that this thread would come along today just while I'm
trying to get Nitro/Neo to work.
I've got a IBM ThinkPad A31p running WinXP. I've installed Nitro and Neo
on my MP2100 (I took care to install the US version) and here's what
I have a simple "Hello world" note in my Newton Outbox. I do a
My laptop makes the "boing" sound and reports in the systray that "Newton
is in range". Then the systray icon switches to an animated
data-transfer icon. Hovering over the icon in the systray gives me the
following tooltip: "Wireless link with Newton at 115200bps"
A moment later the Newton reports: "Sorry, a problem has occurred
The laptop stays stuck waiting for the transfer to keep going...
Further attempts on the Newt bring this: "Communications port is busy"
*sigh* it all seems sooo close.
I've been unable to send from the laptop either. I have the IrOBEX
settings for "Use OBEX:IrXfer" set on.
Any help is much appreciated.
Best Regards,
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