Re: [NTLK] Windows drivers for Farallon PN595?

From: Joost van de Griek (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 04:45:10 PST

On 2003-03-11 22:51, "Andrew Maier" <> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 11:56:23AM +0100, Joost van de Griek wrote:
>> My Farallon EtherMac PN595 card is acting up, for some reason my Newton won't
>> connect. Now, I'm wanting to see if the card is at fault or if I need to
>> fiddle with software. In order to do so, I'd like to test the card on a Dell
>> laptop at work. However, I can't seem to find Windows (W2KPro) drivers for
>> it, while I'm sure they once existed. Can anyone point me in the right
>> direction?
> I am not shure it it is the same but my Farallon card once developped a bad
> connector (on the pc-card side) I had to take it apart and resolder it, which
> was surprisingly easy. After that everything has been fine again. Tyr and look
> at the green LED. DOes it come on when you access the card, i.e., when you
> connect. If not have a closer look at the connector.

The weird thing is, when connected to a hub, the green light comes on
briefly when I insert the card. The Newton then correctly identifies the
card, and asks if I want to use it for AppleTalk. I tap yes, but when I go
to Internet Setup, there is no Ethernet option for the connection, just
Modem, Serial and LocalTalk. When I go to the Dock app, and press connect,
the light again comes on briefly and goes off again. Then, when I attempt to
connect (from the Dock, still) the Newton can't find any Mac OS computers.
When I tap "stop", the link light once again comes on, and now it stays on
for a while (a minute or so), before going off again.

The card worked fine last time I used it, which is some year and a half ago,
on my PowerBook 1400.


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Joost van de Griek
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