Re: [NTLK] Notepad spontaneous startup??

Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 12:08:59 PST


Do you have BugTrap installed? Do you have some notes titled "BugTrap
Crash Log"? =20

BugTrap will intercept system error messages and write a BugTrap log into
the notepad, giving the error and the code snippet where the error was
raised=2E This will cause the exact behavior you describe=2E =20

If this is a memory issue, you probably need to look at freezing utilities=

to save heap=2E MP2ks are notoriously low in heap and RAM=2E Alternative=
look for an upgrade to an MP2100=2E $40-$50 USD=2E



Original Message:
From: Gregory Gee newton_at_gee=2Ehomeip=2Enet
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 14:15:54 -0500 (EST)
To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk=2Enet
Subject: [NTLK] Notepad spontaneous startup??

I seem to be having a problem with my Newton2K starting up Notepad
spontaneously=2E When I first got the Newton, I downloaded a package
called StarChart=2E It was great=2E I had some problems starting because=

I did not have enough memory available=2E Then I installed Avi's
Backdrop=2E I could start Starchart without any problems=2E Today
I decided to run Starchart again and am getting really odd behaviour=2E

1=2E Starchart takes quite a bit longer to start=2E

2=2E After it starts, notepad suddenly starts=2E

3=2E I try to close Notepad, which takes a while, then notepad opens
   back up again=2E

Does anyone have any clues what might be causing this? Not sure if
it related, but the heap counter seems to drop 1K every few seconds
until garbage collection occurs=2E Not sure if that is normal to drop
that quickly=2E


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