From: Patrick Jendraszak (
Date: Thu May 22 2003 - 19:34:01 PDT
I work at a church and was at a meeting last night. Like always, I had
my Newton with me. The gentleman sitting next to me looked at my Newton
case (one of the leather ones with the logo embossed in the corner) and
asked if I was just using a Newton case or if I really used a Newton.
As we talked about the Newton, it turned out that he, a pharmaceutical
representative, had used them before. I believe he was with Squibb ...
he said that his company had got hundreds of them for their
representatives, but just as they starting using them, Apple pulled the
plug. Rick told me that they had trouble with handwriting recognition.
Evidently, people shared their Newtons at random. They didn't know that
the Newton learned their handwriting -- and really didn't have much
training with them at all. It's amazing at how recognizable the Newton
is, even after all these years since Apple stopped selling them!
Patrick Jendraszak
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